Summer Vacation

Puja Vacation

Winter Vacation

Session Break for
old batches
Vacations are subject to adjustment according to the prevailing situation. Actual Days can be communicated later. Apart from the declared vacations, a student may be allowed a leave of maximum 6 days in a year for personal unavoidable genuine circumstances, festivals and similar reasons subject to the satisfaction of the Director/Principal. Guardians are therefore advised to plan such personal leave for their wards well in advance, preferably right in the beginning of the session. Guardians/parents are required to collect their wards personally on the eve of vacations. In case they are unable to come personally, they must send their representatives with proper authority letters duly signed by them. The exact duration of vacation is intimated from time to time. During long vacations boys are required to carry all their personal belongings with them so that the bed lockers/almirahs can be properly cleaned /repaired. If a boy is detained for remedial classes or for preparation of CBSE Board Exam during vacation, the parents/guardians are liable to pay extra charges for the Boarding and Lodging. Boys must be present on the closing day before vacation and also on the opening day of the school after vacation. Absence on these days will be considered as a serious breach of school discipline. If a boy does not report on the first day of the new term and his term fee is not received as per fee schedule, his name may be struck off the rolls. Leave application for absence on the first day of the term may be considered only when the term fee is deposited according to the fee schedule and the reason for absence is found genuine.